
Your Guide to Virgo Season

Symbols for the sign Virgo; Chrysanthemum flowers, the planet Mercury, a woman in a library full of books drinking tea.
Illustration: Sunny Wu

As summer winds down, stores begin to stock their shelves with folders, planners, and other tools for organizing your thoughts and getting your life together. They say it’s all for the new school year, but honestly, they might as well be advertising for Virgo season. It’s the final zodiac sign of the summer, the one that leads us out of lazy, muggy days and toward the crisp, invigorating promise of autumn. It’s the season for taking your life seriously and setting things right.

Virgo season, which lasts from August 22 to September 22 this year, marks a departure from the boldness and drama of Leo season. Virgo combines a natural affinity for the practical and physical with a keen intellectual streak. It’s an earth sign, closely connected to the body and the tangible world, and ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought, curiosity, and communication. Virgo is analytic and observant, uniquely equipped to deal with the details and difficulties of daily life. Its season gives us the chance to come back down to earth a little quieter and more attuned to the everyday material reality of the world we’re living in.

With its sharp detail-oriented drive, Virgo tends to be stereotyped as the fussiest of the zodiac signs, hypercritical and perfectionistic. Like most astrological stereotypes, there’s some truth to it: Virgo notices what others might ignore and cares about doing everything correctly down to the tiniest detail. Other signs might be content to haphazardly throw a project together, call the result good enough, and move on, but Virgo won’t be satisfied until it’s been done right. To some, this meticulousness can come across as frustrating, nitpicking, or even pettiness. What they miss is that Virgo isn’t motivated by a desire to be correct for its own sake, but to do the best work possible — and more than that, to make themselves useful to the group by catching the mistakes, inconsistencies, or problems that others miss.

Everyone can tap into the energy of the season by spending time getting organized, whether that means adjusting daily routines, purging closets, or finally figuring out a system for file storage. It’s also the moment to get serious about treating your body with care — by eating foods that make you feel stronger or exercising enough to steady your mind or finally making that doctor’s appointment you’ve been avoiding or simply getting enough sleep. Virgo finds it deeply rewarding to be of service to others; make sure you’re not neglecting yourself.

But don’t imagine that during Virgo season you need to focus on details at the expense of your big-picture goals. Rather, tending to the small things now is the best way to bring your grander visions to life. By engaging with the world honestly, without ignoring the facts that are painful or neglecting the tasks that are inconvenient, it becomes possible to turn dreams into reality.

And equally important, don’t believe any stereotypes that imply this season is drab or uninteresting. Virgo’s conscientiousness isn’t always subtle and self-effacing — it can also look tough and, frankly, extremely cool. In a world that encourages us to stay quiet and accept all manner of headaches and indignities with a smile, it takes real guts not to compromise on your high standards.

Virgo season is a time to get your life back in order. Tackle the projects you’ve been avoiding, and really do them justice. Notice the problems in your life or neighborhood and commit to fixing them. Don’t let anyone convince you that during Virgo season, you have to think small. You can organize your planner, your bookshelf, and your closet, but you don’t have to stop there. You can organize your workplace, your apartment building, and your city, too.

Your Guide to Virgo Season