
An Introduction to Venus Retrograde

Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

You already know Venus, our neighboring planet that — from an astrological perspective — symbolizes love, beauty, and money. But did you know that approximately every 18 months, Venus retrograde forces us to rethink our value in a major (somewhat destabilizing) way? Yes. For 40 days and 40 nights, Venus causes soap-opera-style breakups and make-ups, and flips our perspective of reality on its head.

So, what exactly is Venus retrograde? What does it mean for you? And when can you next expect this romantic planet to go belly-up? Read on to find out everything you need to know about Venus retrograde.

What exactly are retrogrades in astrology?

You’re probably most familiar with the term retrograde as it relates to Mercury, the planet of communication, that goes backward three to four times each year. Because Mercury retrograde is so common, it’s become a bit of a fascination in pop culture, with everyone from your favorite Housewives to the largest fast-food chains tapped into the cosmic phenomenon.

But did you know that Mercury isn’t the only planet that goes retrograde? In fact, all planets go backward. (Except the sun and the moon — but they’re not actually considered planets in astrology, but rather are luminaries … I digress!) Retrogrades are a normal part of planetary orbits (an optical illusion, technically), and each one brings its own special blend of weirdness, astrologically speaking. During a retrograde, the symbolic energy of a planet goes through a metamorphosis, inviting us to reconcile our own relationship with those themes on an individual level.

For example, when Saturn (the planet of discipline) goes retrograde (approximately once per year), we’re asked to reconsider how maturity, responsibilities, and structure exist in our life. Alternatively, when Mars (the planet of action and determination) goes retrograde (every two years), we experience a shift in our goals and motivation. And, during Venus retrograde, how we relate to desire, romance, and resources undergoes a transformation.

What actually happens during Venus retrograde?

All retrogrades are interesting, but Venus retrograde is particularly fascinating (and my personal favorite to study). Venus goes retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights, which a number of astrologers (and historians!) believe inspired many of the references to this duration in the Old Testament. As these biblical tales touch upon themes of tests, punishment, purification, and renewal, it’s possible that our ancient ancestors drew inspiration from Venus’s own transformation during its 40-day retrograde period. See? Fascinating!

At the halfway point of Venus retrograde, the earth, Venus, and the sun align (in that exact order) and form what’s called an “inferior conjunction.” This marks a significant shift for Venus, moving from its role as the Evening Star, when it sets after the sun, to the Morning Star, rising before the sun. Then, about 216 days later, Venus forms what’s known as a “superior conjunction,” realigning in an earth-sun-Venus configuration, and flips back to being the Evening Star. Traditionally, the Morning Star phase (also known as the “Lucifer phase”) signals a more extroverted, impulsive Venusian energy, while the Evening Star phase (the “Hesperus phase”) represents a Venus that’s more demure, mindful, and cutesy. Stay with me here.

Venus moves in eight-year cycles, meaning that every eight years, like clockwork, it retrogrades in the same sign of the zodiac. This cyclical pattern gives us an opportunity to reflect on past experiences and how they relate to our present. The consistent pattern offers a unique opportunity for growth and understanding, encouraging us to revisit old wounds or unfinished business from a fresh perspective. Venus retrograde isn’t just about the present moment; it’s about connecting the dots between the past, present, and future.

What should I expect during Venus retrograde?

During Venus retrograde, we’re called to reevaluate our relationships, values, and self-worth. We may discover that what we believed to be important is actually … well, not that serious. Alternatively, things that we previously overlooked become increasingly meaningful. This isn’t just about romantic partnerships (though, yes, those are often front and center), but also how we connect with friends, family, and even our own confidence. During Venus retrograde, you may find yourself questioning the dynamics in your closest dynamics, reflecting on whether your needs are being met, or perhaps recognizing patterns that no longer serve you. It’s also a time when old flames might resurface, presenting you with the opportunity to either rekindle the spark or finally close the chapter for good.

For the 40 days and 40 nights of Venus retrograde, you should expect to feel more introspective about what truly brings you joy and satisfaction. This retrograde might inspire you to rethink your finances — are you spending your money in ways that truly align with what’s actually important to you, or are there areas where you’re being a little too indulgent or careless? Remember, Venus retrograde isn’t a punishment; it’s time moving backward to help you carve through the layers of ego to get back to what really matters — back to your truth. It’s a cosmic course correction, and we’re all the better for it.

What happens if Venus is retrograde in my birth chart?

Were you born during a Venus retrograde?(Usually this is indicated by a small “Rx” symbol next to the planet on your birth chart.) No surprise, then, that you’re someone who naturally approaches matters of love, beauty, and money a bit differently than others. You may feel like — for better or worse — you’re always marching to the beat of your own drum when it comes to relationships and aesthetics, often reflecting on what makes you feel fulfilled rather than following societal norms. Similarly, Venus retrograde in your birth chart may mean you’re drawn to more meaningful connections rather than superficial dynamics.

Keep in mind that — if you were born during a Venus retrograde — you are not doomed! I repeat, you are not doomed! However, you are here to learn profound lessons about self-worth and desire. You might go through intense periods where you question what you truly value, but this introspection is your superpower. Embrace it, because it’s through this ongoing dialogue with yourself that you’ll discover the richest, most authentic experiences in love and life. Also, fun fact, you’ll be much less negatively impacted by Venus retrograde than others. While everyone else is scrambling to make sense of Venus’s backward motion, you feel right at home; you thrive in the disarray.

When is the next Venus retrograde?

The next Venus retrograde will take place in 2025 from March 1 to April 12. Venus will begin its backward journey in the sign of fiery Aries, and conclude in watery, mystical Pisces (which happens to be the sign Venus adores the very most). And, because Venus moves in eight-year cycles, the upcoming Venus retrograde will be a continuation of a story line established eight years prior — from March 2 to April 15, 2017. So, my friend, if you’d like to get a head start, consider what was going on in your life back then and how this new era may transform that narrative. Yeehaw!

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An Introduction to Venus Retrograde