
Jupiter and Saturn Are Going to Force You to Get Real

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Hey, so guess what? Another rare celestial event? Bingo! On Monday, August 19, at exactly 5:46 p.m. ET, Jupiter and Saturn will meet — forming a 90-degree angle, a “square” in astrologyspeak — for the first time in eight years. Jupiter has a 12-year orbit and Saturn has a 29.5-year orbit, so when these two align, it’s a big deal. Known as the “social planets,” Jupiter and Saturn influence our societal structures and how we relate to the world at large. Need convincing? Perhaps the most notable union between these two planets occurs when they connect at the same point in the sky: This aspect is known as the “Great Conjunction” and marks significant turning points in both personal and collective narratives. The Great Conjunction occurs every 20 years, and it most recently took place in 2020. See?

But back to this square: Happening on the same day as the full moon in Aquarius, this powerful aspect illuminates tension between expansion and restriction, energies that create a push-pull effect in various areas of life. In other words, it’s guaranteed to shake things up in a major way.

As always, you have nothing to be afraid of. Especially if you know what to expect and what it means for you. Behold, your definitive guide to the Jupiter-Saturn square! Here we go.

Back up: What does Jupiter represent in astrology?

Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system — is the planet of growth, abundance, and optimism. Astrologically, Jupiter represents the ways in which we expand our horizons, both literally and metaphorically. This planet encourages exploration, learning, and the pursuit of higher wisdom. Inherently optimistic, Jupiter’s influence helps us see the bigger picture and believe in the potential for positive outcomes. Think of it as your very own massive cheerleader, pushing you to take risks, dream big, and embrace the exciting, rare opportunities that come your way.

Since May, Jupiter has been gliding through Gemini’s sky. Gemini is a mutable air sign known for its intellectual curiosity and versatility, and likewise, Jupiter’s movement through this sign is enhancing our desire for knowledge and communication. Jupiter in Gemini is wild, unpredictable, and playfully subversive — so literally brat summer.

And what does Saturn symbolize in astrology?

Ringed gas giant Saturn, in contrast, is the planet of discipline, structure, and responsibility. Known as the taskmaster of the zodiac (and acclaimed for its notorious return), Saturn represents the limitations and boundaries that shape our lives. Stoic and hardworking, Saturn is obsessed with tough love. Likewise, Saturn’s influence teaches us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the need to build solid foundations. Although it can sometimes feel restrictive (and like a bit of a buzzkill), Saturn’s lessons are crucial for long-term success. Back in March 2023, Saturn swam into Pisces’s deep water, which has been … kind of weird? Pisces, a mutable water sign, brings a very different flavor to Saturn’s typically rigid energy. Through 2025, Pisces is softening Saturn’s rigid nature with a compassionate, spiritual tone. Indeed, Saturn in Pisces is encouraging us to build our dreams on solid ground, blending creativity with practicality. Of course, this could also mean trouble in paradise: Saturn in Pisces tests our ability to stay grounded amid Piscean tendencies toward escapism or idealism. Saturn in Pisces challenges us to turn our visions into reality, but only if we’re willing to do the necessary work.

So what is a “square” aspect in astrology?

Squares are 90-degree angles that represent tension, conflict, and a need for resolution. This powerful aspect pushes us to address the areas of our lives where expansion (Jupiter) and limitation (Saturn) are at odds. In the mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces, this square brings an added layer of flexibility and adaptability, but also uncertainty, chaos, and disorientation. Mutable energy is changeable and fluid, making this square a time of significant, albeit uncomfortable, shifts. The tension between Jupiter’s desire to explore and Saturn’s demand for boundaries can lead to frustration but also breakthroughs if we’re willing to navigate the discomfort.

When was the last time Jupiter and Saturn formed a square?

It’s been a while — 2016, to be exact. The previous Jupiter-Saturn square dates were August 3, 2015; March 23, 2016; and May 26, 2016. Interestingly, Jupiter and Saturn were in mutable signs back then, too (Jupiter was in Virgo, while Saturn was in Sagittarius), so we experienced a similar push-pull between the practical and the philosophical, the detailed and the expansive. Virgo’s focus on precision clashed with Sagittarius’s love for the big picture, leading to a period where finding balance between these energies was key. Reflecting on what was happening in your life during that time might offer insights into how this current square could manifest for you during this current cycle.

What should we expect from this Jupiter-Saturn square?

As we look to the future, this Jupiter-Saturn square is part of a broader cycle that will continue to unfold over the coming years. The upcoming Jupiter-Saturn square is the first installment of a three-part series: Future dates are December 24, 2024, and June 15, 2025. So while the exact square occurs on August 19, the effects will linger and the story lines will evolve, influencing the decisions we make and the paths we choose. Pay attention to any significant developments or turning points in your life during the next few months, as they may be tied to the themes of this square.

Ultimately, this is the time to find balance between growth and responsibility. By integrating the lessons of Jupiter and Saturn, you can create a more sustainable path forward — one that honors both your ambitions and the structures needed to support them. Consider where you may be overextending yourself: Jupiter’s influence might be urging you to take on more than you can handle, while Saturn reminds you that not every opportunity is meant to be pursued right now. What do you actually want to be doing? What do you actually care about? During this Jupiter-Saturn square, you’re invited to fuse passion with discipline.

Of course, you’ll want to stay flexible and open to adjustments. Mutable energy is all about adaptability, so be prepared to pivot if needed. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to revise your approach. Jupiter-Saturn squares can bring unexpected challenges, but they also offer the opportunity for creative problem-solving. By staying grounded in your plans while remaining open to change, you can navigate this cosmic tension with resilience and foresight. We love to see it!

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Jupiter and Saturn Are Going to Force You to Get Real