
Behold Your Fall 2024 Horoscope

What to know to make it out of this especially unpredictable season relatively unscathed.

Illustration: by Sunny Wu
Illustration: by Sunny Wu


We all know you’re motivated the most by your independence, but this fall, think about opening yourself up to that special whoever. Romance, friendships, even professional collaborations can be enhanced over the next several weeks thanks to the sun’s movement through Libra — amplified by a powerful solar eclipse on October 2. Consider how you can make every connection a win-win.


As the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 barrels through the area of your chart associated with health, wellness, and scheduling, you’re juggling more than you can handle. With all those obligations on your to-do list and in the back of your mind, you barely have time to chill. Because you’re an earth sign, it’s essential you feel stable and grounded, so maybe decline a few RSVPs.


You had a brief stint of lying low, but this brand-new eclipse series on the Virgo-Pisces axis has you back and better than ever! Revel in this burst of energy. Say “yes” to post-work happy hour, reconnect with an old friend, actually talk to your co-worker in the office kitchen. Don’t be surprised if all your mingling and fluttering sparks a thrilling new romance.


The next few weeks are bringing a whirlwind of changes, especially around home and family. (You can blame the solar eclipse in Libra for that.) Has drama been simmering with a relative, a roommate, even your own children? Has it reminded you — explicitly or implicitly — of challenging situations from your past? Now’s the ideal moment to step up and tackle it head-on.


The next few weeks will be an excellent time to fill up your calendar — you can handle it! Keep in mind, though, that Pluto will be moving back into Aquarius, energizing the area of your chart associated with serious relationships, and everyone will be looking to tangle you in their drama. While it might be fun to dabble, don’t get too caught up in the mess.


Over the next few months, the planets will be activating the area of your chart associated with finances and resources, presenting you with new ways to manage your cash. (And you feel most grounded and stabilized when you know there’s a plan in place.) Even better, the upcoming eclipse series will be inviting you to dream bigger (and badder) than ever before.


The autumn equinox, which ignites your birthday season, balances the sky with equal parts day and night — a symbol of harmony and renewal. For you, it’s a reminder your energy is aligned for new beginnings and personal growth. Perhaps consider setting some inspired intentions for your next trip around the sun? Reflect deeply on your desires and make a plan to pursue them.


Addressing the truth can be painful — that’s why so many people live in a constant state of denial. Over the next few weeks (especially as chaos starts to unfold during eclipse season), make sure you’re extra compassionate with yourself. Whether you need alone time or a safe shoulder to cry on, give yourself permission to move through emotions with gentle curiosity.


It’s been a while since you’ve been so impacted by the eclipses, but — in September — the powerful activation on the Virgo-Pisces axis will inspire you to spread your cute little wings and fly. Whether you’re starting a podcast or volunteering for, say, a presidential campaign, you’ll be empowered to explore ways to be heard and help inspire real positive change.


With the planets moving through the area of your chart associated with career, success, and legacy-building, it’s the perfect time to take some daring steps to shape your future. Can you push just a bit harder? It’s worth it because, over the next few weeks, people in decision-making roles will notice, and your talents have the potential to be recognized in a major way.


You’ve worked hard over the past year, and now your efforts are finally getting the appreciation they deserve. The next few weeks are also about starting a brand-new chapter as Pluto, planet of transformation, posts up in your sign. So what will it be? Perhaps you’re ready to try out a hobby, travel somewhere new, or reinvent your life entirely.


You’ll likely begin experiencing a lot of intuitive nudges and psychic pings as an eclipse series kicks off in your sign in September. You’re feeling the urge to slow down and reflect, and this season is a fantastic time for personal growth and healing. Delve into introspection, face those old fears, and let go of what (or who) no longer serves you.

Hey, so will eclipse season impact the election?

Eclipses are believed to catalyze major events on both personal and collective levels. You might not be surprised to learn that several are occurring in the lead-up to the election. The lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17 marks the beginning of an eclipse series continuing through 2027. (The last time we experienced eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis was, um, during the 2016 election.) Consider this an opportunity to do things differently. After all, the eclipses will be flipped 180 degrees from then. On October 2, the solar eclipse in Libra urges us to seek fairness and harmony. In case you were wondering: Kamala Harris is a Libra sun with an Aries moon, born under a full moon. This combination highlights her drive for justice and ability to navigate high-pressure situations. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s chart shows significant activity as both Jupiter and Uranus activate the area of his chart associated with public image and legacy.

Some Other Fall 2024 Dates to Keep in Mind

September kicks off with a new moon in Virgo, offering a chance to set practical intentions. Mid-month, the lunar eclipse in Pisces ignites a brand-new eclipse season, guaranteeing heightened emotions and intuitive insights that may really shake things up. As Libra season starts, balance and harmony become the focus, highlighting relationships and aesthetics.

  • September 2: New moon in Virgo
  • September 17: Lunar eclipse in Pisces
  • September 22: Libra season starts, autumn equinox

October opens with a transformative solar eclipse in Libra, prompting significant changes relating to identity and partnership. The full moon in Aries mid-month fuels bold and assertive actions, inviting you to embrace your leadership capabilities. As Scorpio season starts, dive deep into your clandestine passions.

  • October 2: Solar eclipse in Libra
  • October 17: Full moon in Aries
  • October 22: Scorpio season starts
  • October 31: Halloween

November begins with a new moon in Scorpio — a mysterious, powerful lunation that ushers us into Election Day (November 5). Then, the full moon in Taurus mid-month emphasizes stability and material comfort, urging you to find balance between sensuality and practicality. Pluto’s reentry into Aquarius and the start of Sagittarius season signal major transformative shifts and a quest for freedom and adventure, though things may get a little sloppy during Mercury retrograde.

  • November 1: New moon in Scorpio
  • November 15: Full moon in Taurus
  • November 19: Pluto enters Aquarius
  • November 21: Sagittarius season starts
  • November 25: Mercury retrograde starts. This time, the planet of communication will make its semi-regular backward journey through Sagittarius’s vibrant sky. Even when functioning normally, Mercury in blunt Sagittarius can be a little sloppy (sorry!), so when Mercury is actually compromised, chaos will surely reign supreme. Just in time for the holiday season, expect issues in travel and conversation. Use this time to slow down, reflect, and embrace new perspectives. The good news? If we embrace the absurdity of this transit, maybe we can all lighten up a bit. This is an excellent time to remember that life is — at its core — very, very silly.

December opens with an optimistic new moon in Sagittarius, perfect for unexpected adventures and embracing the holiday spirit. Next, Mars retrograde kicks off a strange few weeks, while the full moon in Gemini heightens energy and makes everything extra buzzy. As Capricorn season begins and Jupiter squares Saturn, the focus will be navigating challenges with patience, and the year ends with a grounding new moon in Capricorn on December 30.

  • December 1: New moon in Sagittarius
  • December 6: Mars retrograde starts
  • December 15: Full moon in Gemini
  • December 15: Mercury retrograde ends
  • December 21: Capricorn season starts, winter solstice
  • December 24: Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
  • December 30: New moon in Capricorn

Illustrations: Sunny Wu

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Behold Your Fall 2024 Horoscopes